About Harp Seals, Harp seals can actually hold their breath for atleast 15 minutes, Very surprising! Next, Harp seals are warm-blooded, There are also about 4.5 million harp seals. Harp seals are called “harp” seals because they have a black patch on their back that looks like a harp, Harp seals sleep on the water surface and also under water, They also eat fish under the water to get food. The mother seals help their baby seal swim in order to go under the ice or underwater. The average lifespan of a Harp seal is about 40 years. Although seals commonly drink seawater, apparently, Seals don’t drink seawater. Harp seals have VERY good eyesight, They can see perfectly! Nice right? Harp seals are earless but they still have ears, Also, Seals can be chatty usually. Baby harp seals are called “pups”, Once the baby pups turn into adults! These harp seals can be very incredible swimmers. Harp seals slap their bellies to communicate with other friendly seals, Very interesting fact! Right?
If you are wondering how much food seals eat a day? They eat 9 kilograms a day for female seals and 7.4 kilograms a day for male harp seals. Even though seals do not cry, Harp seals do cry often, Harp seals have whiskers like cats! Interesting!! Harp seals love food, Like most average seals.