27 Sep

All About Harbor seals, First, Harbor seals live up to 25 to 30 years! Cool right? Next up, Harbor seals eat everyday. The longest living ever harbor seal was 47 years! Seals can hold their breath for 30 minutes and they also weigh 300 pounds, Harbor seals also sleep underwater just like a normal seal. Another fun fact about harbor seals is that they have 34 to 36 teeth. Harbor seals are curious and shy animals and a Harbor seal can swim 12 miles per hour while a normal seal can only swim 6 miles per hour, There are about 350,000 to 500,000 thousand harbor seals left.

Harbor seals breathe out before diving deep underwater, Harbor seals cannot see color like humans, Harbor seals are color-blind, Harbor seals are considered the least vocal of all pinnipeds. Harbor seals dont smile very often

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