In the cold snowy lands of sealtown, There goes a friendly seal named Mr Puffy. Mr Puffy is kind and gentle also curious, Most of the time, Mr Puffy and his mother, always look around and meet other friendly seals of sealtown! Everyone else is always curious, But its super cold at sealtown! Thats the home of seals, Seals meet other seals and talk to eachother. The most popular place in sealtown is the Seal Plaza. Which has been around for quite a long time! Every little seal *or pup* always asked their parents to go to the plaza, “Hey mom! Can we go back to the plaza again!” Said one of the little pups, Everyone always goes normally to the plaza, The second most popular place is the seal park or playground. This is the place Mr Puffy likes the most, Always fun, nice, fresh air. Even more!
Mr Puffy always hangout with his friends, Mr Puffy’s mother also talks with her friends to at the bench 1 block away from the Sealtown park, Its always good to get fresh air around. Mr Puffy’s mom likes how puffy’s playing with his friends and having a good time. Mr Puffy and his friend are now bored after a long time, “What now?” Mr Puffy stated, Mr puffy’s friend sealy just shrugs his shoulders, “I dont know?” He replied to Mr Puffy with a neutral look on his face, Mr Puffy just walks with sealy somewhere around the snowy field.
“Mr puffy! What do you wanna do in the park now?” Sealy stated, “I dont know anymore.. But i know i have to leave soon” Mr Puffy stated, “Same.” The parents stand up ready to go home, Mr puffy and sealy notice they have to go home so they hurry up to them, “It was nice seeing you today!” Mr puffy said, “Have a good day!” Sealy stated. Mr Puffy and sealy went home, For Mr Puffy, He decided to watch TV and 6 hours later it was Puffy’s bedtime, Mr Puffy went to sleep until its the next day.
The End!